Subscribe with purpose…

Get a short by-weekly note from me every Tuesday & Saturday. I aim to help us all think more clearly about the future of purpose, health and education in our culture rocked by the rapid acceleration of AI, robotics and autonomous tech.

My mission to unfuck the news

Hi 👋 – I’m Jim … an engineer, entrepreneur and small-farmer from Somerset, in the UK. After years building other people’s dreams - for governments, international aid funds and businesses across Europe I have set out on a mission to unfuck the news.

This newsletter is not about that. But if you're interested to see more take a look at some of our little experimental products at

25 years of tech-leadership experience.

For over 25 years I have lead teams building some of the most groundbreaking government services, some of the most ludicrous PR stunts, some of the most inclusive tech events and some of the most valuable applications of AI.

I’ve always shared my thoughts and ideas … on LinkedIn, X/Twitter or Medium.

Now, I’m offering a short insight based on nearly 40 years of engineering and 25 years of entrepreneurial experience … twice a week!

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I rely entirely on my readers and supporters to spread the word about Ultra-processed News. Please have a think about who you know, who’d find value in what I have to say.

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Subscribe to Ultra-Processed News

A quick post every Tue & Sat about the future of purpose, tech, education & economics in our environment of ultra-processed media.


Engineer, investor, farmer. Finding ways to fix the news.