What are you actually doing?
If you’re not actively helping then I'm sorry ... but you are responsible for shit that happens.
We are all so lost in a storm of competing rhetoric …
… politics and populism and media and commerce are so tightly woven together, their interests so aligned, that we, the people, are usually forgotten of ignored.
We are useful for a vote - for supplying a mandate - but otherwise we’re a unit of someone else’s economics most of the time. A resource to be farmed and exploited.
So what happens when someone in leadership actually looks at what’s good for the population they serve?
Not good for their reelection war chest.
Not good for their donors.
Good for their constituents.
This 👇 … this is what happens.
And while this is a brilliant illustration of what can be done to fight pollution on a microscopic scale … with good leadership that serves the people — not the false god of endless economic growth … with good leadership the same change can be achieved elsewhere.
We can fix our cities.
We can fix our environment.
We can fix our diet.
We can fix public health.
We can fix education.
We can fix our sense of purpose and hope.
But if you honestly believe that any of these things will ever actually get fixed … while we continue to embolden the vast industrial complexes and the oligarchs … while we continue to vote populists and plutocrats into our national leadership …
… then you are just plain lying to yourself.
If you want to know why the world is going to shit … the answer is: because you are allowing it to happen.
Through your action or innaction you are contributing to the inexorable decline of humanity into the distopian storm on the horizon.
As you wind down for Christmas - have a think about your role in all the disaster around you.
Have a think about what you could do differently, how you can get involved, how you can actually make a difference…
… because if you’re not actively helping the world become a better place — you are empowering those few determined to exploit the many, you are complying in advance, you are voting for the eventual end.
Stop for the Christmas break.
And think.
And when you start again …
… FFS do something to help.