Maybe you’ll tell me that my grammar isn’t correct? Is this not the King’s English… or “English (British)” as the Americans call it…
… but the point is that whatever benefits AI may bring to myriad fields of technology, medicine, productivity and so forth …
… using it to do any day-to-day thinking for us, particularly in areas of communication, is going to have two profound effects on humanity:
1. It is going to make us all less intelligent.
2. It is going to homogenise how we think.
I am a techie. I have been coding AI models since 1997. I am not anti-AI.
But I also recognise the that dangers of AI to human health are just as profound as the dangers of processed food are to human health.
We are sleepwalking into an epidemic of obesity of the mind…
… and I don’t want to live in an AI-homogenised dystopia.
To butcher Frost… turn off your assistive AI and take the road less traveled by .. because it will make all the difference.